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Standards Based Grades

Standards Based Grades

Westside has produced a short video series to educate our families and community about how standards based grading practices benefit our students’ academic performance. 

Separating Process and Product

Grades and report cards should reflect how well a student has met academic goals in each content area, indicate areas of strength and areas where additional time and effort are needed.

Eliminating Points and Percentages

By eliminating points and percentages, students are more willing to take risks to grow academically. Since there is no longer this fear of FAILING, students are confident to share their own authentic work and are open to constructive criticism.

Promoting Student Success

By using state standards as success criteria, teachers and parents ensure ALL students are challenged and making appropriate progress. One of the most positive results of SBG is the feedback loop it creates to keep all students moving forward, no matter what level they start from. This loop consists of Learning Goals, Assessments, and Feedback.