Student Life Page
1.Develop friendships. Take advantage of school activities. Join in! To have a friend, be one. Start by giving classmates a smile. Students and staff are friendly and helpful. Ask other students or a staff member for help.
2.Be well informed-in school, on time, every day. Get acquainted with your school, its services, activities and rules. Listen to teachers as they give out directions and information.
3.Work toward a goal. With the help of your parents, teachers and other school staff, decide on some goals and begin to work toward reaching them.
4.Learn to study effectively. Use class time wisely. Listen to explanations and follow directions! Ask questions when you are uncertain. Develop your reading and comprehension. It will save you time. Ask your teacher about improving your study habits and the ability to concentrate.
5.Keep up on all class assignments. A few missed assignments can result in your becoming “lost” and may even lead to your failure. Do not let yourself fall behind.
6.Develop school spirit and loyalty. This is your school. We’re proud of Sundown and know that our school will be what we make it. We invite you to join us in making it #1! And most importantly, remember to follow the Golden Rule. Treat others the way that you would like to be treated!