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Box Tops

The Box Tops Program is run through the Sundown PTA. The PTA has traditionally used the box tops to provide additional supplies to the teachers and students. For every Box Top that is submitted, the school receives $0.10. 

There are now two ways to "Turn In" your Box Tops to help support the school. First, is the "Old" method of cutting out the Box Tops, gluing or taping them onto the flyer below, and turning in the paper to the school. One complete paper earns the school $2.50! 

The second method is to download the Box Tops app, select Sundown Elementary, and then scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase. Either way helps out the school and our students! 

So keep an eye out for those Box Tops and make sure to scan or send them in! A little bit at a time can add up to a lot of the course of a year!

Box Tops Flyer to Print and Glue

First page of the PDF file: BoxTopsFlyers